Math Balance
"Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity." Job 31:6
Balancing is so much fun! Puma Tiger loves to figure out how to make things balance. Here they are exploring it on their own. They are observing or like they like to say "experiencing" the material.
Research shows that a playful, yet focused, attitude brings out the best type of problem solving from children. When we are doing math, I also put my "playing" hat on, meaning, I am also trying to figure it out and talking out loud. I don't sit down to lecture "you must do this and do that." Rather, because correct math on a balance is self-evidence, I say, "let's see what happens if I put the nine here....what can we put on the other side to balance it? wow, what was that? One four and one ......(wait for answear, five) balance nine? Wow! nine is equal to four plus five.
Some times I feature a number on the shelf. This picture featuring number nine. As you can see, one nine equals one four and one five.

This tool is super useful, and not very expensive! I got mine on a kit with the Right Start Math. Fabulous kit, or you can get it stand alone through this link, at no additional cost to you. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Anything you buy from this link helps me keep this page afloat! :)
We take a very child lead approach to homeschooling, what some call TJED, and others unschooling.
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